The funniest app of the year just hit. And it comes courtesy of the Australian government…
Australia’s national science agency released a new app over the weekend that tracks your FARTS.
It’s called Chart Your Fart. It lets you track things like fart frequency . . . duration . . . loudness . . . stench . . . and how long the smell lingered.
They’re asking Australians to track their farts for three days, including one weekend day. Their press release says it’s to “help scientists better understand the frequency and characteristics of one of the leading gut health symptoms” we all experience.
It’s meant for Australians, but anyone can download it. There’s an option for people located “outside of Australia.”
Just log your farts as they happen. It compiles it all into a bar graph that shows how many times you’ve farted each day, and how severe they were.
Download the for Apple HERE
Download for Android HERE