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QUIZ: How Middle-Aged Are You?

By Joe Malone Jan 31, 2024 | 3:00 PM

Do you think you are middle-aged? Joe Malone found a quiz online that could give you an idea of how middle aged you are. There were no criteria given as to what your score would indicate but we are just going to assume that any score around 7 would mean you are middle aged and the higher the score the more middle-aged you might be. Joe thought he was right at middle aged but he scored a 10! So maybe a little more than he had hoped… What will your score be???

(Score 1 point for each statement that fits.)

1.  You can’t sleep past 9:00 a.m.

2.  You can’t start a movie past 9:00 p.m.

3.  You call your children for tech support.

4.  You used to fix typos with White-Out.

5.  You’ve called a 30-year-old a “kid”.

6.  You swap ailment stories with your friends.

7.  You’re on Facebook, but not Tik Tok.

8.  You write appointments on a paper calendar.

9.  You’re not quite sure how you got that bruise.

10.  You gain weight just by being near food.

11.  You go into the bank to make a deposit.

12.  You’ve taken a keen interest in bunions and corns.

13.  You’ve dialed a rotary phone.

14.  You still have a landline.

15.  You can’t find your glasses . . . that are sitting on top of your head.